Instructions - how to use this program
To move through the program press the START button to go forward.
Then use the to go forward or the
to the previous page.
Throughout the program, our BTG Announcer will appear on the screen. Follow his instructions to proceed forward.
Highlighted key words, phrases or links will appear, just follow the prompts or click on the links, key words or phrases to access the information.
To assist you with contents of the program there will be documents, templates or download information for you to print or save.
As you go through the program a number of pop ups will appear so don’t forget to read them. |
To assist in this program to run smoothly the following descriptions are in place;
Client - is the person you support (customer, participants, service user, resident)
Service provider – is the support person, staff, worker or organisation.
Time frame
At any time you can stop the program and come back to it. You have 2 weeks to complete the program. |
The time frame for each of the programs to complete will vary. Duration will be detailed at the start of each progam. Your progress is automatically saved upon completion at the end of each unit. Please note, uncompleted work will not be saved.
At the end of each unit there will be a number of questions for you to complete prior moving onto the next unit. The completion of each question will go towards your end result.
Please take your time in completing each questions as you only have one (1) opportunity to provide the correct answer.
End Results
The completion of the questionnaire requires for you to have a 80% pass mark. If you complete the reading material and reach the pass mark, you will receive a certificate of completion with your pass mark.
As part of our Continuous Quality Improvement you could receive an email to make comment on the program and the format. |
If you don't reach the pass mark on your first round, you can go back to the reading material and re answer all the question(s) again. If you reach the pass mark on your second round, you will receive a certificate of completion with your pass mark.
If you are unsuccessful, unfortunately you won’t receive a certificate.