This module has been developed in assisting you in developing further skills and knowledge in remaining risk awareness and keeping yourself safe.

This module has been developed for staff/ volunteers/ carers to develop an understanding why difficult behaviours occur with a person that has been diagnosed with a dementia – type condition.

By ensuring work health safety risk management is an integral part of all decision making processes an organisation will improve their work health safety performance across their organisation, which will enhance quality service delivery outcomes for their clients.

Everybody has the right to live without violence, abuse, and neglect. However, people with disability are often the victims of abuse and neglect – much more often than people who don’t have a disability.

People with disability who are at high risk of abuse include people who have an intellectual disability, communication problems, high support needs, and behaviours of concern. People in supported accommodation are also at high risk, mainly because they need to rely on staff to meet their daily needs.

Understanding abuse is about recognising abuse as a violation of a person's human rights. A focus on what makes life good for each person is the best way to enable rights and minimise risk of abuse. It is also about knowing what signs to be aware of that abuse is happening or has taken place.

Responding to abuse is about being ready to respond appropriately, quickly, and effectively to any incidents of abuse, neglect, and violence toward people with disability. It is about having clear policy and set actions that organisations are required to take to respond when abuse occurs, including supporting victims and working with authorities.

This module has been developed to assist workers/carers the skills, knowledge and understanding -  how to support participants with Behaviour’s of Concern.

This module is to assist Officers to lead in work health and safety by working proactively and doing all that is reasonably practicable to ensure the safety of all in the workplace.

This module has been developed in assisting you in developing further skills and knowledge in supporting a person whilst upholding your duty of care and balancing dignity of risk concerns.

This module covers information about epilepsy and seizures, including descriptions and videos of different seizure types, as well as seizure first aid and management strategies.

A disorder in which nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed, causing seizures.

Epilepsy Also called: seizure disorder.

Symptoms require - a medical diagnosis.

During a seizure, a person experiences abnormal behaviour, symptoms, and sensations, sometimes including loss of consciousness.

Epilepsy is usually treated by medication and in some cases by surgery, devices, or dietary changes.

Welcome to an opportunity to experience e-learning training.

We offer a range of WHS and Professional Development risk-based e-Learning training modules, they will assist all workers in acquiring the skills necessary to ensure a safe workplace for all. Training managers, workers, volunteers, and board members via e-learning will provide your organisation with an immediate improvement in skills transfer and a reduction in overall training costs.

The purpose of this module is to develop and enhance Health Safety Committee members’ knowledge of the WHS Act 2011 and Regulation 2017, and assist your organisation in developing, maintaining and promoting a positive safety culture throughout your organisation.

The most effective way to ensure infection control is to treat all bodily fluids and surfaces as though they are infectious. Gloves must be worn wherever there is a likelihood of coming into contact with bodily fluids or tasks that involves personal care or other cleaning actions, ie: cleaning bathrooms, bedrooms, linen management etc.

This module is to assist workers, participants, and any other person to protect from harm as a result of exposure to waste, Infectious or hazardous sustenance’s generated during the delivery of service and support.

Incorporate safe manual handling practices into your everyday activities both at home and whilst at work to prevent a manual handling injury from occurring.

This module has been developed in assisting you in developing further skills and knowledge in supporting a person with medication.

It probably comes as no surprise that employees who feel valued are more motivated, responsible, and productive. The happier an employee is, the better the results they will deliver.

The purpose of this module is to provide workers the opportunity to develop a further understanding of occupational violence.

This module has been designed to explore how psychological injuries are developed within the workplace and how the effective combination of primary, secondary and tertiary levels of intervention can assist in the future prevention and response to psychological injury.

This module has been developed in assisting you in developing further skills and knowledge in supporting a person whilst maintaining your professional boundaries.

Reducing and eliminating the use of restrictive practices is consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its intent to protect the rights, freedoms, and inherent dignity of people with disability. Australia has ratified and agreed to be bound by the terms of the CRPD under international law.

People with disability who are supported by disability service providers and engage in Behaviours of Concern that are perceived to be harmful to themselves or others are at risk of being subjected to restrictive practices.

There are different types of restrictive practices, however, the NSW Government has embraced the five different forms of regulated restrictive practices outlined by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

This module is all about keeping you safe when working within clients’ private homes and whenever you access the community. It has been designed to assist you in becoming a ‘risk thinker’ by being ‘risk mindful’ at all times.